Turf mix K plus
Pure for the professional

Product detail
Abiotic stress can take on many forms, like temperature, drought or heavy use. It’s a type of stress that makes high demands on grass. If the grass isn’t supported sufficiently, the quality of the golf green will deteriorate rapidly.
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Turf mix K plus supplies potassium and iron to support the golfgreen against many different forms of abiotic stress. Turf mix K plus offers many options to support the grass on your golfgreen. It effectively equips the grass to deal with low temperatures, but can also be useful against high temperatures. The grass gets stronger, which means the grass of your golfgreen will stay strong and beautiful even during heavy use.
Characteristics of Turf mix K plus:
- Contains potassium to strengthen the cell walls of the grass;
- Potassium is important to resist warmth, could, drought and intensive use;
- Potassium improves the respiration of the grass;
- Contains iron (Fe) for the generation of chlorophyll and a green colour that helps with fotosynthesis;
- A small dose of phosphates for a solid energy management.

Product specifications of Turf mix K plus
- P₂O₅ 1,6%;
- K₂O 16%;
- Fe 2,6%;
- Packaging: 10 L kan;
- Density: 1,27 g/ ml.